Although ‘Trump Digs Coal,’ His Administration Is Missing the Message
On August 21, in Power Magazine, Holland writes that backing coal is a key part of the President's Make America Great Again message. However, he writes that "Coal is losing to other energy resources because the market has spoken." Read the whole thing in Power Magazine.
Passage of USMCA Will Help End the Border Crisis
On June 4, 2019, Holland wrote in Inside Sources that one way to help deal with the ongoing border crisis is for Congress to pass the USMCA. He wrote: "Passing USMCA would update NAFTA for the 21st century. It would confirm the long-term economic partnership between the United States and Mexico, while solidifying the bilateral diplomatic and security relationship as well." Read the whole thing on Inside Sources, or syndicated in the Post and Courier.
passage_of_usmca_will_help_end_the_border_crisis_–_insidesources.pdf |
What Trump Should Have Told Germany About Russian Gas
The president had a point – but as usual, he got the details wrong.
On July 11, 2018, after President Trump attacked Germany and NATO over the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, Holland wrote about how, while Trump had a point, as usual he got the details wrong. Read what he should have said in "What Trump Should Have Told Germany About Russian Gas."
what_trump_should_have_told_germany_about_russian_gas_-_politico_magazine.pdf |
Atlantis 2.0: How Climate Change Could Make States Disappear – and What That Means for Global Security
In a chapter of the Center for Climate and Security's "Epicenters, the New Geostrategic Landscape of the Anthropocene" report, Holland writes with Esther Babson that small islands are threatened by sea level rise and extreme weather caused by climate change. They write that "great powers remain interested in the strategic value of islands, and sea level rise will present a series of tests to them about how to manage conflicts. In the near term, the fate of small islands will present a series of “mini crises” about how and where to relocate peoples and societies, and who retains control of the resources they once owned."
atlantis_2.0_-_disappearing-islands.pdf |
The Trans-Pacific Partnership for Peace - Washington Examiner
In an op-ed for the Washington Examiner, The Trans Pacific Partnership for Peace, Holland writes about the Trans Pacific Partnership, saying "this agreement will be so powerful in buttressing America's national security that we should call it the "Trans-Pacific Partnership for Peace." He writes how trade has laid the foundation for a region at peace, and the TPP will cement the Asia Pacific region as a centerpiece of peaceful cooperation.
tpp_for_peace.pdf |
"Preventing Tomorrow’s Climate Wars" - Scientific American
In the June 2016 print edition of Scientific American, Holland writes about the links between climate change and national security. The article, “Preventing Tomorrow’s Climate Wars” dives into what the military is doing on climate change. It focuses specifically on DoD action in three areas around the world: Africa, Asia, and the Arctic.The article is available in the print edition, or online behind their paywall. I’d encourage you to read the whole thing. This builds on Holland’s work at ASP on Climate Security. To give you a taste of what I’ve written, I’ve excerpted some of my arguments on ASP.
"America’s Chance to Help Break Russia’s Energy Dominance" - Wall Street Journal
Published February 23, 2016 in the Wall Street Journal, Holland and BGen Steve Cheney, ASP's CEO, write that increasing U.S. Gas Exports could stabilize the global marketplace and cut Putin's influence. U.S. exports of LNG could provide Europe with an alternative that would undercut Russian energy dominance, their use of energy as a political weapon, and allow natural gas to become a global marketplace with clear and transparent prices around the world. A link to the article can be found here.
america’s_chance_to_help_break_russia’s_energy_dominance_-_wsj.pdf |
Alleviating the Resource Curse - ASP
This paper, "Alleviating the Resource Curse, The Opportunity Presented by Section 1504 of Dodd-Frank" discusses how the Securities and Exchange Commission announced proposed regulations under Section 1504 of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act. The goal is to increase transparency and provide the public with greater access to information related to the payments that U.S.-listed companies make to foreign governments to extract oil, gas, and mineral resources. The rulemaking has been delayed by lawsuits and SEC inaction. But now the SEC has an opportunity to put in place a policy for disclosure that is accessible and effective.
ref-0196-alleviating-the-resource-curse.pdf |
How Focusing on Climate Security in the Pacific Can Strengthen Alliances: Lessons from the Global Defense Index on Climate Change for the U.S.
This chapter from the Center for Climate Security's November 2015 report "The U.S. Asia-Pacific Rebalance, National Security and Climate Change" explains how even though many countries in the region face a full slate of more “traditional” security threats (like territorial disputes over sea boundaries, historical antagonisms, or the threats on the Korean peninsula), virtually all of the countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania view climate change as a threat to their national security – and most of them have integrated it into their military planning documents
asiapacific_holland_ch4.pdf |
Climate Diplomacy: A Strategy for American Leadership - ASP
In December, 2015, the world gathered in Paris in an attempt to finally address the challenge of climate change. This paper "Climate Diplomacy: A Strategy for American Leadership" outlines how to move forward after Paris. The stakes are high: failure only makes addressing climate change more costly and difficult and could have repercussions on broader national security goals. But “Climate Diplomacy” is not just about a single conference in Paris: it must be a bipartisan, long-standing priority for the U.S. government. This paper lays out why climate diplomacy is important and a strategy to deploy it.
ref-0195-climate-diplomacy-a-strategy-for-american-leadership.pdf |
Energy and Geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean - ASP
Published by the American Security Project in July, 2015, Energy and Geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean examines the geopolitics of gas. Since 2009, there have been a succession of substantial natural gas finds in the Levantine Basin, under the Mediterranean Sea between Israel and Cyprus. How to regulate, tax, and export the gas continues to be controversial in Israeli politics. However, the strategic benefits of using energy resources to more closely tie Israel with its long-hostile neighbors are too compelling to ignore. This report analyzes the risks and opportunities involved in such an endeavor.
ref-0194-energy-and-geopolitics-in-the-eastern-mediterannean.pdf |
Fusion Energy Sooner and Cheaper? - Breaking Energy
Published on June 18, 2015 in Breaking Energy, Holland writes about how recent breakthroughs in materials, 3D manufacturing, and science could make the quest for fusion energy much closer. Put together, these breakthroughs could mean that demonstration-level amounts of fusion power could be put on the grid far sooner than many had thought. It won’t be easy, and there is still a great deal of scientific and engineering work left, but there is a promising route to developing fusion as a power source.
new_york_energy_week__fusion_energy_sooner_and_cheaper__«_breaking_energy_-_energy_industry_news_analysis_and_commentary.pdf |
"After Kyoto: Building an Effective Global Regime to Combat Climate Change" - Seton Hall Journal of Diplomacy
Published in Spring 2015, Holland discussed the failure of Kyoto and how the emerging international climate regime promises to more effectively reduce emissions in a way that is measurable, reportable, and verifiable. Download at right.
"Energy and Statecraft: American Diplomacy for the Energy Revolution" - American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
Published in April 2015, Holland's chapter in the AICGS Policy Report, "Reducing Vulnerability: A Transatlantic Approach to Energy Security" discusses how American diplomacy is changing to address the changes of the Energy Revolution. He presented this paper on February 27 to an AICGS conference, "The Geopolitics of Energy, A German and American Perspective." Download the chapter at right, or read the full paper through AICGS.
"Strengthening national security through climate resiliency" - The Hill
Published with General Stephen Cheney, ASP's CEO, this article explains how important the Green Climate Fund will be to enhancing global security. Download the Paper below
U.S. fusion program must have energy mission
Published on January 13, 2015 [link], Caroline Von Wurden and Andrew Holland write in The Hill that the U.S. fusion Program Must Have an Energy Mission. They advocate for a new Deputy Undersecretary of Energy who would be solely responsible for pushing fusion forward as an energy source.
"National Security in a Rapidly Changing Arctic - How a Lack of Attention to the Arctic is Harming America’s Interests" - Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Issue 15-1, Winter/Spring, 2014.
Published Spring, 2014 [link]
Published Spring, 2014 [link]
Holland's article discusses the threats posed by a warming Arctic. He determines that it is not the prospect of great-power rivalry that threatens security, but American weakness in the region that could cause rival powers to misread American intentions.
79-88_holland.pdf |
"Risk Reward & Revolution: Why globalizing the natural gas revolution is smart environmental and economic policy for Louisiana" - The Pelican Institute for Public Policy
Published January, 2014 [link]
"What Typhoon Haiyan Means for National Security" - Weather Channel
Published November 13, 2013 [link]
"America is Failing to Meet Challenges of a Changing Arctic" - Alaska Dispatch
Published September 26, 2013 [link]
america_is_failing_to_meet_challenges_of_a_changing_arctic_-_alaska_dispatch_-_sept._26_2013.pdf |
Published August 4, 2013 [link]
"Advanced Biofuels and National Security" American Security Project
Published January, 2013
ref_0111_-_advance_biofuels__national_security_white_paper.pdf |
"Sandy Shows the Costs of Climate Change" The Hill
Published, November 6, 2012 [link]
sandy_shows_costs_of_climate_change_-_the_hill.pdf |
"It is Time for a More Effective Route to Addressing Climate Change than the UN" in Freidrich Ebert Stiftung
it_is_time_for_a_more_effective_way_to_address_climate_than_the_un.pdf |
"The Arctic: Last energy frontier?" with Robert Gardner - The Hill
Published August 14, 2012 [link]
the_arctic__last_energy_frontier__-_the_hills_congress_blog.pdf |
"Through Innovation and Investment, the U.S. Can Lead in Next-Generation Energy, Nuclear Fusion" with Nick Cunningham - AOL Energy
Published August 3, 2012 [link]
through_innovation_and_investment_the_u.s.pdf |
"Calming Tensions With Iran Is the Real Solution on Oil" - USNews and World Report Debate Club
Published April 20, 2012 [link]
calming_tensions_with_iran_is_the_real_solution_on_oil___debate_club___us_news_opinion.pdf |
"Running on empty: Failing to address high gas prices" - The Hill
Published April 17, 2012 [link]
running_on_empty__failing_to_address_high_gas_prices_-_the_hills_congress_blog.pdf |
"America's Changing Energy Choices" - The Hill
Published March 5, 2012 [link]
americas_changing_energy_choices.pdf |
"What America Can Learn from Detroit" - The Atlantic
Published February 17, 2012 [link]
what_america_can_learn_from_detroit_-_business_-_the_atlantic.pdf |
"Blue Ribbon Commission: Disposing of Our Nuclear Waste" - The Hill
Published February 3, 2012
blue_ribbon_commission-_disposing_of_our_nuclear_waste_-_holland_-_2.3.12.pdf |
"Race Around the World: The 20-Year Contest for Oil" - The Atlantic
Published December 13, 2011 [link]
race_around_the_world__the_20-year_contest_for_oil_-_international_-_the_atlantic.pdf |
"Its Time For International Emissions Reductions" - AOL Energy
Published November 8, 2011 [link]
its_time_for_international_emissions_reductions.pdf |
"Fusion For the Future" - AOL Energy
Published September 20, 2011 [link]
fusion_for_the_future.pdf |
"Why We Can't Let Solyndra Failure Kill Support for Solar" The Atlantic
Published September 15, 2011 [link]
why_we_cant_let_solyndra_failure_kill_support_for_solar_-_politics_-_the_atlantic.pdf |
"America's Energy Choices" American Security Project
Published, August 2 2011
americas_energy_choices.pdf |
Final Report to the European Commission - Climate Change and its Impact on Global Security
Published, January 2011
Final Report to the European Commission - Climate Change and its Impact on Global Security |
Executive Summary.pdf |
"Copenhagen Accord Faces First Test" - IISS Strategic Comments
January, 2010
Copenhagen Accord - Strategic Comments.pdf |
"Building Global Food Security" - IISS Strategic Comments
December, 2009
Food Security - Strategic Comments.pdf |
"Learning From Europe on Climate Change"- Survival, vol 51, no.6
December, 2009
Learning from Europe on Climate.pdf |
"Deadlock on Climate Change" - IISS Strategic Comments
August, 2009
Deadlock on Climate - Strategic Comments |